The Energy Technology of Intention


I just completed an awesome experience designed to help people get greater fulfillment in life using an energy technology called Yoga Nidra.  It does this energetically through the power of their intentions.  Notice I didn't say goals, I said intentions.

As we have discussed in prior blogs, for the energy sciences to make sense to us the information should resonate with the matter field model.  And the converse is also true.  For the information that the matter field science gives us, there must be a good correlation with the energy field science or it's just simply another old wive's tale.

Energetically there is a great difference between goal and intention. Actually the term goal is a matter field term.  It suggests determination, discipline and fortitude.  It is the way the vast majority of the businesses of today and people more specifically run their lives.  The term is an outgrowth of the contemporary and ruling matter field science of today.  It says "get what I want at any cost at a predetermined point in time".

From an energy perspective, stating an intention is different.  Intention channelizes biological energy in a desired direction coupled with surrender or detachment from the intention's outcome .  Biologically what happens in goal activity there is full bore sympathetic activity to get something accomplished.  Something of a survival thing involved.

But in intention there is biologic sympathetic activity involved but to be healthy for the physiological system it should be balanced with a relaxed parasympathetic response of surrender.  Said differently, the energetic power of intention in life is far healthier than the currently held matter field concept of goal.  Both biologic sympathetic and parasympathetic responses are necessary.

What on earth does this have to do with health and nutrition?  Many of us have had the experience of goal setting with weight.  It doesn't work in the long run.  Many want good health but the fear of change required is difficult to overcome.  The energy technology of Yoga Nidra can help us get past these barriers.  To good health             DrBill



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