Anger and Nutrition
Is it possible that hot chiles, cayenne pepper or salsa could eventuate in a fiery outburst?
From an energy viewpoint the mindbody means that the mind and body are intimately one, there is no separation. So if hot is absorbed in the form of food, then increased hot in the mind can occur as well
We are unconsciously choosing our behavior patterns through the foods we consume over time. This time frame is not in terms of days, weeks, or months. It is the chronic use that provokes and with the fertile ground of the appropriate energy makeup, the unleashing of hot can come out in the form of anger, blame, rigidity, abuse, and even rage.
We can even be unconscious that we are acting angry. This is the most destructive aspect of the imbalance. For the anger and distress is completely justified by blaming others for our dis-ease. So we can go along for a lifetime believing that we are not judgemental, critical, or blaming.
This is the heart of divorce in our country and cause for failed relationships, individually or on a national scale. So my friends, let's look at our hot during this holiday season and be careful of what we eat!
Love DrBill