Turn Off the Nutritional Heat!

With this most recent post (http://ow.ly/LlTO)on WebMD physicians are now talking about diets that are antiinflammatory because they might lead to better health.

Well that's interesting. The energy nutritional sciences have been talking about that concept for thousands of years. New concepts are usually old ones reworked and talked about again.

Why do Barry Sears(Zone Diet fame) and Andrew Weil both MD's believe that inflammation is bad? It turns out that the matter field scientific exploration is showing that it reduces heart dis-ease and arthritis for starters. But as the article says the matter field is still gathering information.

The problem will be for the matter field scientists to find what foods are antiinflammatory. This is going to be impossible until they get in touch with the energy science information.

Until then we as a culture will struggle with nutrition. Let us pray!                 DrBill

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