Why Can’t I Stop Going To The Bakery Section?

I think we have all observed ourselves doing what might be not the most healthy nutritional choice.

As a composite these activities fall under the grouping of lifestyle patterns of behavior.

Some lifestyle patterns are great, such as brushing our teeth, eating our biggest meal at noon, or using a sesame oil swish in the morning to improve gingival health.

But other patterns may not be so healthy. Chronic anxiety, panic attacks, overeating, using foods that are imbalancing, or using poor food combining.

The problem facing physicians today is how can I help my patients with unhealthy lifestyle choices? This is not a issue that will be solved by matter science today.

The answer will come from the energy science discipline. Probably the most powerful technique is yoga nidra which is a guided meditation because it allows for dropping intention when in a deep state of meditation.

We desperately need a marriage between the matter and energy sciences.  Love DrBill

lifestyle change and behavior patterns

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