Hey, it’s cold!

We can tell someone who is male from female, Native American Indian from Eastern Indian, and tell qualities such as cloudy from sunny and hot from cold.

Now what role does this play in health? From an energy viewpoint, discrimination is the mental activity of contrast which is at the heart of having a mindbody. We know we feel bad because we know we have felt better.

The power of the intellect is discrimination. Simply put, we can tell something from something else.

How about energy nutrition? Well, foods are complex energy packets so their qualities are a complex mix of qualities. But the overall complexity shows a trend. Just like there are shades of skin color, foods show a trend of quality.

So energetically dairy is cold and even though the extreme is not felt, it has the effect. During the wintertime dairy is hard to digest because our mindbodies are cold and taking in something cold potentially can lead to congestion which is the result of cold. So during or at the end of wintertime we get a "cold."

The power of energy science in seeing through dis-ease process                  Love DrBill

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