Kapha Imbalance


The last week I have exchanged some comments with Beth Mazur my newest bestest friend on Twitter about the current Kevin Smith incident on SW airlines. As Beth says the overweight state is a symptom. But it's also a dis-ease or imbalance. That is, a Kapha energy imbalance, from an energy science view.

If you're not familiar with the story, Kevin found himself booted off the plane due to oversized luggage in his seat. It might not have been such a big deal except Kevin is a Hollywood celeb who found himself sizzling as all of his friends. 

From an energy science view Kevin has an imbalance as do all of us. If you're human and walk on this planet, guaranteed you have an imbalance of some form or another.

But the obesity issue has come front and center first with Michelle Obama's words on the childhood issue and then synchronistically Kevin's plight around the same time.

Here's the problem. People who are overweight are finding themselves under attack much like the cigarette smoker was and is. There is indeed pain being inflicted on our fellow human beings. So where's the compassion?

So what's a nice self respecting Kapha to do? Stop reacting and go to foodsheal.com

What's Pitta to do? For Kapha, stop raging at the attackers and Pitta stop attacking obesity!

For skinny mini Vata's realize that your imbalances are just as significant and you should do some of your own work.                                                         To health as a skill   Love DrBill

PS we will not get the bottom of this obesity issue until we start seeing the mindbody physiology with fresh eyes; it is soooo oooold to do matter science alone in the 21st century Where is evolutionary thinking? Are we doomed to continuously react for another century just like our government?

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