

Have you ever had the experience of eating enough yet still not being satisfied? Usually we begin looking for something to satisfy the feeling in the form of chocolate.

Matter science researchers might invoke psychological reasons or molecular explanations for such a dietary phenom. And these are adequate explanations but incomplete.

An energy science view satiety should be reached by filling two-thirds of the stomach and that is represented by two handfuls. This puts us at about a 6 or 7 on a gas gauge with 10 being full like bursting and 1 being what no American has ever felt like.

And there might be mind issues at hand but it may also be that all six tastes have not been present at the meal.

Satiety or being satisfied after a meal can be directly linked to the presence of all six tastes that satisfy the energetic needs of the mindbody physiology. Sweet sour salty pungent bitter and astringent need to be present and if not, satiety does not exist.

Usually the bitter or alkaline taste is missing.

Milk has all six tastes and hence mother's milk can be life sustaining and a complete meal energetically for baby for months until the nutritional developmental needs outstrip what can be provided.

A great way to insure that all six tastes are provided is to use a churan as outlined at Equal amounts of each ingredient mixed together and then individualize to your own needs by adding more of one ingredient so it's just right for you. Then use it on everything; in your cooking and at the table as a condiment. It becomes once again one of those lifestyle behavior decisions.

But there's more! A churan increases digestive fire and improves the ability to digest and eliminate the food eaten. It balances the GI tract function. Best of all it helps us correct mistakes such as foods that shouldn't be in our diet as well as poor food combinations.

So energetically bon appetit!      To health as a skill     Love DrBill

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