Am I Doing Enough?

 Radiant Man

  I am either getting more in balance(healthier) or out of balance(sicker) every day

                                        The choice is up to me

This concept of balance redefines health. That is, I don't have to be feeling bad to be out of balance. I don't have to be checking myself into the doctor's office or hospital to declare myself ill. As a matter of fact, when I get to those points, I have been ignoring for a pretty long time.

Who declares then what the guidelines for healthy lifestyle behaviors are? Is it the matter science medical tradition that we currently espouse to? Is it what we hear on CNN? Is it what we read in the newspaper or in the current bestseller on health? All of the above?

And on what biological model do these experts use? Is it a molecular or matter science medical model? And who is to say that the matter science medical model is adequate for our 21st century health needs?

Or is it time to declare, "Enough!" Is it time to look at a different model? A system of healing that is based on the laws of Nature herself. An energy science medical model?

Then we have guidance as to when is the best time to eat our biggest meal, the healthiest sleep pattern, understanding poor food combining, the balancing foods in diet, observing our control dramas when we are in fear and how these cause excessive eating, and the importance of digestive fire.

This list is incomplete and overwhelming at the same time if we are to entrain with it to improve our health. If this is the case, then am I doing enough to regain my health? You betcha. Being healthy becomes a moment to moment process applying guidelines from

Because it's about BABY STEPS. One small change at a time. We are all capable of that, aren't we?

Then we're doing enough to regain our lost state of pristine health.

Until tomorrow To health as a skill   Love DrBill

But please Pitta don't tell others what to do

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