

Someone tells you what to do and you tell them, "Take a leap." We all want our freedom but in reality from an energy view we have no freedom. We are hardwired to to do what we will do.

So what's the use? Just keep on doing what we are doing, right?

The value is to decide on the part of your family, your children, your friends, your society, and planet that there is value in following your hardwiring whatever it happens to be at this moment.

Sound contradictory? In the greater scheme of things, I think not. Our society is moving us along and we will be swept up by the societal currents wherever they take us. The important thing is to not get caught up in resistance but to be along for the joyful ride.

"You know Mr Jones, taking the Lipitor(cholesterol lowering drug) may help you by reducing your already existing coronary artery dis-ease."

"Yea, but when I take it, it doesn't make me feel any better."

So this issue of noncompliance is a double edged sword. It's good to go with the flow but what does my sensate mindbody energy field say about it.

This is discrimination, the highest form of intellectual endeavor and all we have to do is use it.

So it is with nutrition. If after four weeks off coffee, you find when you have a cup of Joe that your mindbody doesn't feel good, you have a choice. Do I go back and get that drink again, this time maybe a mocha or do I not make the choice again. It's up to us isn't it?

So free choice or not, we are all moving in the direction of being more sense oriented consumers of our nutrition but it won't be because the matter science nutritional model told us that the molecule, let's say, omega 3, is good for us. It will be because sensately we know what's good for us.

See you tomorrow                            To health as a skill   Love DrBill

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