Strolling Through the Intensive Care Unit


Recently due to a woman's illness a patient of mine was in the intensive care unit(ICU).

This is a place where really sick people are. And there are several reasons why they are there. At times it's because they had a bad injury and need monitoring. Other times they are convalescing after a difficult operation. At times they have medical illnesses that require that monitoring.

The reason to talk about this is to urge us to stay out of this place. Yes, to be sure if we have an injury we want to be sure that we can be taken care of. But let's not be there because of chronic lifestyle choices that lead to serious medical issues that they put us at death's door.

This is the reason to make healthy choices about energy science nutrition. To chose a diet, food, and drink that are balancing for us and our mindbody constitution.

And chose lifestyle behavior patterns that bring about balance rather than imbalance.

The reason we do this work over decades is to maintain a reserve in the tank. Remember we getting healthier every day or sicker. The choice is ours. So even if we get to the ICU at age 94 we have the reserve and stamina to withstand the turbulence with which we are confronted.

Who says that the energy science medical model is better than what we have now? Well, because of my own experience, the experience of my patients, and the wisdom that comes with the tradition.

Talk to you tomorrow                                    To health as a skill    Love DrBill

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