The Marriage
Marriage implies a bonding, union, usually based on mutual compatability. The table is set for such a union to occur but we need the participants to show up.
And this business about marriage of the medical disciplines of energy and matter sciences is an important step in creating a complete medical delivery system.
Like all relationships every partner brings baggage that can strain that compatablity.
At times this blog suggests that there are problems with the matter science medical model. Clearly being a matter science physician and surgeon allows me to see the benefits as well as the "baggage" that it has. But the energy science approach has its limitations and problems with access.
Each model is not without its shortcomings but it is clear that there needs to be collaboration and compromising that can make this marriage work. From the energy science medical side it needs to begin making its ancient wisdom more available and "user friendly" to the 21st century population.
And from the matter science medical angle, there can be more flexibility and less adherence to "my way or the highway" or better yet, "show me the proof." With the evidence based medicine stranglehold on the fear based matter science discipline, this can lead to only more rigidity.
The table is set and a marraige feast can occur around nutrition. Both disciplines need to come to the table with openness and willingness to understand one another.
Until tomorrow To health as a skill Love DrBill