Energetic Ways to Reduce Inflammation

    Fire Ocean

The imbalanced expression of the Pitta energy pattern is inflammation anywhere in the mindbody energy physiology. So any -itis is inflammation, so gastritis or esophagitis is experienced as heart-"burn" or acid indigestion or in matter science medical terminology, hyperacidity syndrome/gastroesophageal reflux(GERD). This is the language of the energy science medical model.

The matter science medical model has many different ways of molecularly measuring inflammation. The time honored means was the sed rate now supplanted by C reactive protein(CRP), rheumatoid factor for arthritis more specific to a dis-ease label, and in the last twenty years PSA(prostate specific antigen) which measures inflammation in a specific organ.

There are many ways by the choices we make to create inflammation, the most common being nutrition. And because of that we should access many ways to reduce inflammation.

The simplest is 2T aloe vera gel(not the juice) distributed by Lily of the Desert two to three times per day. Another is to use equal amounts of cranberry, pomegranite juices and water with  the aloe gel making about a 4oz drink.

Especially if GERD exists using regularly peppermint extract in water that you can buy in the spice section of the grocery store will begin reducing the hot quality that eventually leads to the rough and dry qualities.

Cumin, coriander and fennel tea is yet another way to induce cooling particularly in the urinary tract. Equal amounts of seeds in boiling water and allowing the seeds to steep in the water can help with reducing inflammation.

Using a churan appropriate to your mindbody constitution is also medicinal to the energy mindbody.

And of course, the energy science nutritional format is foundational. See foodsheal.com for an overview. 

Here's to cooling off!                           To health as a skill   Love DrBill

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