Healing the DNA Sculpted Matter Field


My mindbody is sculpted by my DNA. No surprise there. Right?

But what happens if I want to change my DNA expression?

"Can I do that?", you ask.

Yes, it is possible, but you have to change what you do with respect to lifestyle and nutrition.

From an energy view, one has to change the energetic tendencies that are perpetuated by lifestyle behavior choices .

And naturally the longer the changes have been present the longer it takes to reverse.

You may have seen some elderly people that are bent and caved as if the chest has fallen into itself. This unusual posturing has come from years of postural unawarenss and teaching the mindbody how to hold itself in space. Did that occur because of DNA?

Does this happen with any dis-ease? Yes but the good news is that even the natural tendency can be overcome simply by awareness of what it is you want to change.

For example, if cancer in an organ, let's say the prostate or colon cancer, runs in your family; you can reverse that DNA tendency by creating more balance in the mindbody physiology through nutrition.

Even though you are born with genetic predispositions to dis-ease you can reverse any DNA dictated events with nutrition. Even the length of a lifetime?

OK, then what type of nutrition? A diet that helps me lose weight? This is the point we are at with nutrition. We equate nutrition with weight loss.

There is a more appropriate way to look at nutrition, that is, a way in which foods produce more balance in the mindbody energy field.

See foodsheal.com for more information to begin changing the way your DNA expresses itself.

Until tomorrow                                             To health as a skill     Love DrBill

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