Is It Possible?
Walt Disney was quoted as saying, "It's kind of fun doing something impossible."
Is it possible to prevent dis-ease? "Impossible," it is said.
Here are a few edited points to consider from a Ornish Huffington Post article on diet.
1 Dont feel constrained by an approach to improve health. Remember baby steps and compassion.
2 Avoid self judgment or self recrimination There should not be anything moralistic about change in lifestyle behavior patterns including those around energy science nutrition.
3 Eating with ecstasy is more sustainable than controlling foods consumed.
4 Joy motivates more than fear of dying so have fun with nutrition.
5 Eat according to energetic balance and we will feel think and live with more clarity and energy. And I firmly believe no one wants to feel badly. But most of the time we don't know we feel bad until we feel better.
So is it possible to prevent dis-ease? Yes, according to the energy science medical model. But what's more important is how to feel more joy, love, compassion and clarity throughout life. Now that's something to aim for and the seemingly impossible becomes possible. See
Until tomorrow To health as a skill Love DrBill