Sugar Salt and Fat


My wife once told me, "I feel so airy at times that I wish someone would just come and sit on me."

What she was describing was the unsettling feeling that occurs with Vata imbalance, that is too much movement in the mindbody, leading to anxiety and nervousness.

The nutritional energetic antidote to this unsettled feeling are the energetic tastes sweet, sour, and salty.

Hey, what a minute that's fast food. That's the American diet!

Yep, sugar(sweet), salt and fat(sour) are addictive. Ask most any fellow human being walking on the planet and she/he will tell you, "These are the tastes that make foods and drink taste good."

But I would submit that we are seeking these tastes out energetically for a very legitimate reason. We are seeking to ground our energetic mindbody physiologies due to the hectic lifestyles we lead, that is, we are self medicating our Vata imbalances from an energetic point of view.

How could a matter science nutritional approach come to such a conclusion? It can't because it is founded on an incomplete way of viewing the physiology.

This is to remind us that it's not the fast food chains that are the culprits.

We have met the enemy and it is our choices and our lifestyle. 

You know what is amazing? That when we begin eating energetically and nutritionally, we begin to feel grounding, intuitively and instinctively. And we want more of it because our mindbody insists on moving toward balance which by taste means that we don't exclude the other tastes of pungent, bitter, and astringent.

And physiologic balance is our home. See to see how you can get more balance.

Until tomorrow                                  To health as a skill           Love DrBill

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