

How would it be if you had a certainty that every decision that you made was dead on correct?

We hear this term enlightenment now and then but what does it actually mean?


We can understand this by contrast. There is no confusion, no distraction, no doubt, no cloudiness.

How does that feel in the mindbody? Confidence, strong faith, knowingness, groundedness, stability, movement with steadiness.

How do we attain such a state? In our present culture the most effective way is through energy science nutrition. This sounds odd, doesn't it?

The most common way to throw ourselves out of balance is through nutrition. 

I am being simplistic about this specifically because enlightenment is not difficult and easily attainable by all though developing clarity. When we are in balance and have good health we have clarity.

Clarity or enlightenment means we have a knowingness that transcends all the misinformation around us including that which we carry ourselves. No doubt.

See foodsheal.com

"til tomorrow                                        To health as a Skill    Love DrBill

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