Nutritional Clarity


The danger for all of us on this energetic nutritional healing path is to think we have clarity when we don't

Clarity is born of experience not rationally figuring it out We can use reasoning to talk about it and massage the nutritional ideas, think about the measurement of calories etc but until we experience firsthand what the ingestion of a food does to us, then it's just an intellectual curiosity

For example, we talked yesterday about chocolate and the imbalancing nature of the food Until we experience first hand the "not so good feelings" when we ingest it, well then dear readers, it is simply an intellectual exercise Right?

So it is actually with everything in life We have to rub up against life and the mindbody experiences that we have in order to shape our understanding of what's going on

So the nutritional formats at are gifts of awareness They help us gain clarity

They are not to dictate to us but rather guide us to get clarity To one day say to ourselves, "Oh my gosh, I didn't realize that chocolate did that to me!"

Have a great weekend Until tomorrow                           To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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