Nutritional Intention


                     We can never get good at anything unless we

                                     spend time doing it                      Anonymous

Intention is a power in Nature born of desire. So if we don't care about being healthy then we won't spend time doing it.

It's like this. One doesn't get better at dancing thinking about the dance steps at home. Investing one's money isn't improved by not investing. You didn't get better driving by having your parents drive you from place to place.

Now all these statements are obvious.

What isn't so obvious is how to show up.

I believe everyone wants to be healthy but when it comes time to show up on a daily basis it suddenly is not so important.

Furthermore we don't have a system of health. We have a system of dis-ease treatment.

A simple example is ice water. Somehow there is an unwritten law that says that ice water should always be served at restaurants. Now from a matter science nutritional point of view, no big deal, right?

But from an energy science nutritional view it is a big deal since ice water done consistently will over time affect the digestive fire. As we have dialogued about before our health is proportionate to the digestive fire. Poor fire poor health; good fire optimal health.

So the energy science medical model provides a system of health promotion. Since the matter science medical model is still trying to figure this out with some more double blind studies it fair to say that if you want better health in this lifespan, don't hold your breath for some clear recommendations from the matter science model.

The choice is ours around nutritional intention. Do yourself and your health a favor and go to

Manana(without inflection)                To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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