Addiction and Nutrition – Part IV
"Boy am I tired," as I get out of the car after coming home from work, "Mmmm I remember X from last night"
"Oh oh here I go again I can't seem to put down X !"
"Oh well might as well keep going until ….."
"Crap I did it again Why can't I stop this darn overeating of X? What a miserable excuse I am for a human"
This internal dialogue has gone on in one form or another for all of us
And I would submit that there are three levels going on in any aberrant eating behavior
1 Desire for food borne out of many many different fears(in the case above, not ever having enough)
2 Some degree of witnessing of the event happening (from almost nonexistent to acute awareness)
3 Self deprecation (self judgment criticism)
So fear becomes the driving reason for the eating behavior to begin with Hey that's OK Every one of us has fears if we're human
Some understanding that we are doing the aberrant behavior is healthy that is witnessing
BUT what is not healthy in this sequence is the self judgment
Why? First of all it's not self loving Secondly self judgment is dangerous because it's the beginning of addictive behavior The reason we keep going back over and over again to overeating or any aberrant eating behavior is due to this last piece Criticism of ourselves
Wayne Dyer uses the quote "We can't get enough of what we don't want in the first place"
So guilt from the damaging criticism that we do to ourselves leaves us no satisfaction and we HAVE to do the behavior again so we can get it right the next time But there will never ever be satisfaction until we stop the criticism
Have you ever had these experiences? Do you think that using this format can help you see your way through this problem of nutrition behaviors? Are there other patterns that you see yourself doing?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill