Cheap Medicine
He who takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the skill of the physician Chinese Proverb
It is said the the supplement industry is presently a $3 billion business and that's probably an underestimation
This movement is a natural progression from our present consciousness that says that the improvement in health is delivered by a pill
If I have leg cramping and I take magnesium and my cramps get better it is even more convincing to me that the pill is just the right antidote for my problem
If I take a "potent" multivitamin and I feel great the next day guess what? "That multivitamin rocks," I gleefully and gratefully react.
Have we heard of the placebo effect? It's when we take or do something and then psychologically assign the response to what we took even though there is no causal relation Not surprisingly there is a 30% placebo response in pharmaceutical studies done in matter science medicine today
The bottom line is this: did the magnesium or the multivit "do it" or is it a placebo response? No one will convince us one way or another but I would propose that there is a cheaper way
Food that we buy in the grocery store has the potential to make us sicker or healthier And we eat everyday so it seems like a no brainer that the cheapest medicine that we have available to us on a daily basis is the food we ingest
Sooooo….. when we go the grocery store let's reframe it and say we're going to the pharmacy to get some medicine just as we would if we were going to our favorite drugstore
This is the new paradigm in nutrition and the food selection begins with choices that are appropriate for our unique mindbody constitution See
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill