Hard of Hearing


Mary had suddenly lost her hearing She could at times hear things but most of the time she either couldn't hear or discern what was being said The reason was unknown and she was on for doing a cochlear implant in one ear

Initially she had came in to talk to me about all bladder symptoms She had had pain in the bladder area with burning on urination, frequency and urgency for about 3 years After her evaluation I felt she had interstitial cystitis

We gave her the nutritional information for PV and she returned two weeks later with about a 60% improvement in symptoms and was thrilled I explained that she would continue to see improvement and gradually all her symptoms would resolve

Not unexpectedly her acid indigestion had improved by about the same measure

Well if you can do so well with my bladder and stomach that has been driving me crazy for 3 years, how about tackling my colon problems," she challenged

Being up for a challenge I began getting more information about her constipation Since Vata is localized most prominently in the colon and produces constipation due to the light dry and rough qualities I felt that reducing this energy pattern in the colon would be the first step

But then there is this relationship to increased Vata in the colon disseminating to other areas of the body and her pulse showed Vata in the nervous system

"Mary, it may be that treating your constipation could help your hearing loss," I said

I went on, "You might not have anything to lose if you do the work with the colon and postpone the surgery until you see what happens"

"Well I'm all for it Nothing to lose," she said Her husband agreed and we will see

Stay tuned in the next 6 weeks and I'll report back  Will Mary get her hearing back? Will her bowl function turn the corner? Or is the energy science woo woo?

I'll keep you posted!

Until tomorrow                                         To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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