“Lose Weight Diets” And Energy Science Nutrition
In our need to control our weight problems over the last three decades there have been and will continue to be the diets to lose weight And now weight loss or bariatric surgery is being used for difficult recalcitrant cases
And within each is a stroke of brilliance that hits upon a molecular formula that in someway effects the physiology in a positive way so that weight loss occurs
There are positive benefits to the weight loss in terms of regained self esteem, feeling attractive, ease in relationships All of these things occur but unfortunately very often the discipline for the program breaks down and weight gain is the invariable result
I would submit in each of these programs even operative procedures there is a gem of energy science that sparkles and shows forth its brilliance It works
But the short term is not long term
Because these programs are not grounded on a foundation of fundamental energy science nutritional principles they become short term not long term solutions to the Kapha imbalance
The key to creating a nutritional program is to ground it on sound energy science nutritional tenets Then it will have the desired result, weight loss but along the way balance that will have untoward benefits in other areas of life as well
In this way losing weight is not the goal Balance and lifestyle eating behaviors is a process and, oh by the way, we lose weight
This is the new growing paradigm for those of us who deal with the global overweight issue
Have you had problems with weight gain after losing weight? What did you learn from the experience? Can your knowledge help others who are on a similar journey?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill