Summer and Excess Nutritional Hot
Summer manifests the vibrational frequency of hot from an energy view And since health is all about balance, the hot should be balanced off with cold elements including nutritional elements
As you may recall the hot outside our bodies has a different effect than having the hot ingested Completely different dynamic going on here The former has a transient effect and the latter 35 days worth
Nonetheless the hot of the summer can lead to increasing the hot quality in the body particularly if the hot is already being ingested
What are the symptoms of excess hot?
Simply feeling hot ie the "boiling up" sensation
Increased and too strong an appetite
Need for iced drinks to "cool" the body off
Irritability with flares of aggravation, impatience, criticality, judgment
What to do to reduce hot?
Use PK and PV nutritional formats
Watch for incompatability of foods
Avoid hot spices eg garlic oregano sage rosemary thyme cayenne horseradish dry ginger(fresh OK) for more on heating spices see
Use the antiinflammatory drink we discussed recently with aloe and pomegranite
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill