Book Foods Heal Now Available

Front Cover.900003672

Foods Heal is about making a nutritional paradigm shift From seeing foods as lumps of matter to seeing foods as bundled unique complex energy patterns

It's not about abandoning or replacing our matter science nutritional studies but to use the energy sciences to give us direction in our studies and further our own health and wellbeing

But we need a vernacular or language to help us with this new way of seeing foods and that's what Foods Heal provides

Presently we cannot speak of the physical body as an energy field It's like going to a foreign country and not being to express what you need or understand what poeple are talking about

But when we have the lingo down then it's simple and easy to understand ourselves and foods as  energy That's one of the aspects of what Foods Heal is about

For more information see

Have you ever been to a foreign country and had trouble making your needs met? Did you find it easier when you had an interpreter or a dictionary?

Tomorrow we'll talk about the advantages of having an energy language

To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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