Fever and Overeating
Have you ever felt hot after eating and wondered why?
It won't be possible to figure it out from a matter science medical approach but the understanding is clear from a energy science point of view
When overeating occurs(defined as consuming more than 2 handfuls at a meal) the energy patterns of Vata, Pitta, Kapha, or combinations of them enter the bloodstream and push stagnant energy along with them And there will always be some congestion when overeating occurs no matter which energy pattern is involved
From a molecular point of view stagnant energy is lymph or chyle that sludges in the lymphatics of the gut
The digestive fire(collective term for all the enzymes in the GI tract) becomes ramped up due to the overeating challenge and it also becomes disseminated into the blood as well resulting in fever and an internal feeling of heat This can also result in mental events such as anger and impatience
The timing of the fever is related to which energy pattern gets shoved into the blood stream Kapha soon after eating; Pitta about two hours after eating; Vata four hours after eating Which energy pattern is pushed into the bloodstream is based on the types of foods consumed in the overeating event For example if a lot of sweet, sour, and salty tastes are consumed, Pitta and Kapha symptoms will predominate
Kapha symptoms of overeating are congestion, runny nose, cold and cough
Pitta symptoms result in high fever, temporal headache, nausea, irritability, photophobia, and diarrhea
With the Vata energy pattern entering the blood stream, shivering, body ache, insomnia, and anxiety can occur These can leave a residual flu like syndrome that can last a few days
Have you ever overeaten? Have you recognized any of the above symptoms? Do you remember what produced the overeating?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill