Release of Energetic Imbalances
As we talked about earlier, a Kapha release can look like the common cold, with lots of mucous and cough with congestion An attack of acid indigestion or diarrhea would be an example of a Pitta release due to excess of that energy pattern in the GI tract
Today I'd like to spend some time on this concept of release which is in reality a healing event
What predisposes the mindbody to release?
1 A buildup of a specific energy pattern that accumulates The common example is the spring cold that is a release of the Kapha energy pattern that accumulates over the winter time
2 If we are paying attention to guidelines that foster balance, there will come a time guaranteed, where energy patterns that have been "hanging around" in the mindbody physiology will want to naturally release With that release comes symptoms
So it's either an acute release as in one or a release of pentup energy in two that has been chronically stored sometimes for years or decades The more chronic the longer the relase
There are other energy science techniques that also facilitate these chronic releases that go beyond the scope of this short blog but suffice it to say there are many other tools in the bag
The message is that illnesses that seem to come out of "nowhere" can be explained on the basis of these releases Of course if not simple one should check in with your friendly matter science doc and be sure that there isn't something more serious particularly if symptoms continue and don't resolve
In retrospect do you think you have experienced a release? Did you find a sense of lightness as you finished the release? Did you find a unknown feature to the healing event, not knowing what to expect?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill