Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever


Having just completed a Kapha release, I can see how the adage that we have come to know is understood energetically

Kapha, the energy pattern of stabilty, when out of balance produces congestion This leads to productive cough, sinus congestion, runny nose, sneezing and at times fever as the energy pattern enters into the bloodstream Kapha imbalance longterm is also responsible for obesity, diabetes, and consequences of metabolic syndrome

Part of the Kapha imbalance is low or no appetite Since the rule of thumb is "Don't eat if you're not hungry", starve a cold makes perfect energetic sense And as the release completes the appetite reappears

What about fever? High fever is part of the Pitta imbalance Pitta the energy pattern of transformation when out of balance shows too much of the hot quality as we have discussed before Any -itis in the mindbody is a reflection of Pitta imbalance

But from even a matter science medical view, a fever is evidence for a hypermetabolic state In other words, burning calories

So it would make energetic scientific sense to feed the hypermetabolic state

Ah, the beauty of the energy science approach to help unravel these simple healing questions of life

Have you ever thought about whether you're hungry during a "cold" or congestion with a runny nose? Do you feel hungry during a time when you're running a fever? Do these experiences give you an idea of the healing knowledge that the mindbody possesses if we listen?

Until tomorrow                                                         To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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