Take A Test and See What’s Your Energetic Fingerprint


Vata Pitta(PV) or Kapha Pitta(PK) or Vata Kapha(VK)?

What combination are you energetically?

Go to this energy pattern questionnaire and take the top two scores and that's your energy makeup!

Now the best way to determine your energy makeup is to have your pulse read by a qualified person particularly if the questionnaire's response pattern doesn't seem to fit

For example, Vata Kapha(VK) is an unsual biologic energy combination This doesn't mean that it doesn't occur but it is unusual So if you turn up VK you might have a friend or spouse work through the questions with you

With this information you now know how you can go out of balance or better yet what imbalances you can work on If we walk on this planet guaranteed we have imbalances to clear

The other valuable aspect of identification of your energy patterns is that it immediately turns you into a better witness

What does that mean? Oftentimes when we "see" ourselves in action, we make verbal comments and observations about what we have just witnessed For example, you encounter a new relationship that you would like to foster So after the meeting you review in your mind what you said, what you did, what you heard, etc Simply put you were witnessing in retrospect

Some people have an innate skill that allows them to witness in the midst of the activity That's indeed a wonderful skill to have and cultivate

But knowing yourself as an energy pattern and everyone as well is a beautiful thing

Have you noticed yourself "witnessing?" Did you notice commonalities and differences? Was it of value to have witnessed? Would it be helpful to have a tool that helps "standardize" your witnessing and know the universal traits of your relationships including foods?

Until tomorrow                                                                 To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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