
OK, OK, life is here to enjoy

So what's this stuff about fasting? "Don't take the pleasure out of life!", we say

But what if I were to promise you, better yet, guarantee you, you would feel better if you improved your digestive fire?

As we have dialogued about in the past, there are three things that you can do to improve your nutrition

            1 Eat according to your nutritional format  See    

            2 Avoid poor food combining  See

            3 Optimize our nutritional health through  digestive fire

One of the best ways to enhance digestive fire is through the "F" word

But wait Before you leave, fasting doesn't have to be no food It can take on many different forms

           1 Simple juices for twenty four hours according to our mindbody makeup

          2 Kitchari for twenty four hours

          3 Simple fruits for twenty four hours according to our mindbody makeup

          4 Just water for twenty four hours UGH!

I think we can get the idea that fasting is about giving our digestive systems a day off for a job well done

The value here is that it creates a stronger digestive fire for the next "real" meal after the fast

But hold on! There's more By fasting, that simple act enhances ALL the enzyme systems in the mindbody Now that's really incredible because it improves tissue health

PV should fast 1-2x/month and PK 1x/week

Can I talk you into deciding on one day this week where you'll try the "F" word? Is it scary? Is it out of your comfort zone? Sure it is but try it anyway

Until tomorrow                                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill


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