Lifestyle Choices and Reversing Gene Expression

Out of sight! Can we imagine this scenario in not too distant future? Our genetic fingerprint being effected

"Mrs Jones, you have a BRCA gene which has a high risk for lethal breast cancer"

"Well doctor what can I do about it?"

"I have some specific nutritional formats that can be helpful I can also put you in touch with a lifestyle trainer who can support you through these efforts"

"Thanks very much doctor"

                 Six weeks later

"Congratulations Mrs Jones, your tests show you have reversed the BRCA gene expression We should recheck to see how the expression is going every six months until you're well established with your lifestyle behavior patterns"

This scenario is not just for breast cancer It can be played out for prostate cancer as well

Genetic counseling will be a real thing in the near future and the exciting aspect is that it will stimulate lifestyle changes for the better

Now right now even if we don't have a genetic marker for a serious disease we can do one thing that is responsible

We can move to an energy science nutritional format as seen at that will begin shaping a major shift in how we do nutritional health

Are you suprised that it only took 6 weeks for Mrs Jones to reverse the BRCA gene? Would you be interested in such monitoring if it were available for you? Do you find this hard to imagine happening?

Until tomorrow                                                      To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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