Matter Science And Mindbody Connection
From an energy science view, the mind and body are intimately spliced This is because both the mind and body are energy fields
The two can't be spliced together if one is a molecular field(body) and one is an energy field(mind) From a matter science medical model view it's just not possible to talk about the mindbody connection because we're talking water(mind) and oil(body)
But wait! There is some light happening in the matter science these days that are bringing this concept of mindbody into perspective and validates what the energy science medical model has been saying for thousands of years
The connection is coming about by understanding the plasticity of our genes and nervous system
We know that tumor suppressor genes can turn on and off by lifestyle choices that we make
We now know that new neurons are created with desire for change in habit
What causes these changes in our genes and neurons? Thoughts
Voila! A connection has been made We have a matter field that listens to what we say
Although this matter science medical mindbody concept will never be as sophisticated as the current energy science medical model of Vata Pitta and Kapha, it certainly establishes the concept
Is this of value for us from a nutritional view? Is it possible to "think" ourselves into healthy eating behaviors? Is it possible to think ourselves out of disease?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill