Six Weeks


The mindbody is an infinitely flexible energy field which is able to shift and change to whatever we want it to be

Our genes and nervous system, once thought to be rigidly fixed systems, now through research are showing plasticity or the ability for them to shape shift to our thoughts and desires Our mindbody is thinking and listening to everything we say

From an energy science view this mindbody connection is clear and intuitively we have known this all the time But now to be confirmed by our matter science medical model is quite cool

Why? Let's ask some questions using this information

          1 Can I do things to effect my genetic expression of cancer that occurs in my family by lifestyle choices?

          2 If I have negative thoughts("They" won't let me do it) or emotions(I am depressed), are there new neurons that appear and different genes that turn on or off based on our thoughts?

          3 If I want to change a habit in my life, how long will it take?

From what we have said above the answer to the first two questions is that whatever we think, well, we get it

But the third question is an important one From earlier work it has been shown that if we want to effect a change it takes about six weeks

Based on our concept of neuroplasticity new neurons are created when we begin doing a new task in order to support the formation of the task

Something magical happens between three and six weeks to support the formation of the habit

Have you noticed that it takes time to develop new neurons, I mean, a new habit? Did you think the new habit required a memory to remember to do the new habit? Is six weeks a long time for you to create a new habit?

Until tomorrow                                                              To health as a Skill  Love DrBill    


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