Freshwater Fish and Omega Fatty Acids


Nutritional myth:  We can only get omega fatty acids from seafood

There seems to be a public underlying assumption that we can only get these essential fatty acids from seafood and therefore cod liver oil and seafood are the best sources

Energy science nutrition has something to say about  seafood which imbalances Pitta Kapha(PK) who  should not use seafood as a meat at all From a quality view seafood meat carries the hot, heavy, dense, penetrating, oily, slimy/smooth, gross,  and cloudy

Freshwater fish provide as much omega fatty acids as seafood and are balancing for everyone because most of all the meat doesn't carry the hot quality as much as seafood Due to its sweet and astringent energy patterns it brings balance to Vata and Kapha

So the energy science nutritional recommendations for seafood:

          1 PK should not use seafood including fish oils

          2 PV and VK can use seafood in moderation (1-2x/week)

         3 Shrimp can be used in moderation for PK and all the time for PV

         4 Freshwater fish can be used by everyone all the time

Have you ever seen any information like this in the matter science nutritional literature? Where's the proof that this "energy science nutrition" is backed by matter science double blind randomized prospective studies?(hint 5000 years) Have you ever felt hot after eating seafood?

Trout fishing anyone?

Until tomorrow                                         To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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