Perfect Nutrition


From an energy science nutritional view there is nothing wrong with foods; it's the consumer of the foods that makes the choice

Sooo… if we the consumers are to use foods as medicine and create for ourselves perfect nutrition then it will require that we stop blaming fast food shops, griping about too much candy for Halloween, complaining about this or that

When we can see that even at times a candy bar can be medicinal or that fast foods are balancing to Vata Pitta once or twice per week then we can appreciate it's not the molecules that are at fault but rather those who are making the choices

Sooo….. the fundamental question is how can we become better choicemakers regarding our nutrition? So that we can enjoy the pleasure of perfect nutrition

The answer is through an energy science nutritional format at

But what about the drive to have our freedom, to make our own choices, to not be regimented to any one particular format?

To that I respond, "Great!!" The best way to figure out how our choices lead us away from perfect health is to find out how our bodies FEEL when we make choices that are not in alignment with our mindbody makeyup

Then our choices will show us which foods shouldn't be used all the time and those that are more valuable for us  For example, I had several pieces of Halloween chocolate last night and today my GI tract told me that I had overdone it  But what the heck it was fun and I now know more about what happens when I overdo it

Have you had the experience of eating foods that cause you physical symptoms? Have you made alterations in eating behavior since that time? Do you revisit and see what happens if you do it again?

Until tomorrow                                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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