Valid Energy Sciences


Throughout this blog reference is made to "energy science" so today I'm going to explore this subject in more depth primarily to help our readers understand what I mean by this term

In my way of thinking there are only two qualified energy sciences:  traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) which comes from the Tao philosophy; Ayurveda is the medical discipline within the Yoga tradition of India, grounded in the Sankhya philosophy

We've heard of the terms prana, qi(pronounced chi), ru, ruha These are words to describe the universal energy and specifically for us and our understanding, the biological energy of movement

The energy of prana or qi is composed of the universal frequencies of cold, light, mobile, dry, rough, subtle, and clear The energy term prana is used interchangeably with the Vata energy pattern, the principle of movement

The energy of Pitta(energy of transformation in the biology and universe) The qualities here are hot, light, mobile, sharp/penetrating, liquid, and oily This corresponds to yin in the TCM tradition

Kapha(energy of stability in the biology and universe) correspond to yang(pronounced "yawn") The vibrational frequencies here are cold, heavy, static, oily, slimy/smooth, slow/dull, dense, liquid, hard, soft, gross, and cloudy

So there we have it The contrasting terms of the energy sciences, TCM and Ayurveda

                           Vata(Prana)                   Qi

                           Pitta                                Yang        Masculine       Right side

                           Kapha                             Yin           Feminine        Left side 

These energy sciences are very deep and sophisticated in their systems of healing and contemporary "new age" energy theories will have to be understood in light of these ancient systems if they can be trusted in their claims of healing

What makes these energy systems the sciences they are is that they are grounded in an understanding of the  energetic qualities of the universe herself, namely the primordial vibrational frequencies of the universe as described above as qualities(also see String theory)

Until tomorrow                                                         To Health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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