Lifestyle Nutritional Habits: 15 Worthwhile Behaviors
From an energy science view there are nutritional habits that naturally bring balance to the physiologyand hence an evolving state of health
What are these habits?
Eating foods that are appropriate for one's energy makeup
Eating foods that are compatable with one another
Developing habits that cultivate and nourish a strong digestive system
Eating the biggest meal of the day at noon
Use of a spices as digestants
Drink room temperature fluids and avoid ice
Fasting, using juice, kichari or some form of monodiet
No snacks between meals
Size of the meals around two handfuls
Try to avoid overeating
Sit to eat so as to pay attention(digestion improves with attention)
Eat in quiet spaces in order to pay attention to the eating process
Scraping the tongue in the morning to stimulate the GI tract
Sesame oil swish in the am to improve oral cavity hygeine improving the receptivity of the first part of the body that begins the process of nourishment
Notice that only two of these recommended nutritional habits have something to do with food selections The remainder are about when, where, why, and how about the eating process
This list is to demonstrate to us that the nutritional process is so much more than "Is lycopene important in my diet?"
Do you know of any nutritional systems that discusses these types of habits and/or consider them important?
What I would like to discuss in the next four ensuing posts is why we have difficulty in changing our nutritional habits, why it's important to consider change, and what can we do to help support one another if we can see that this change is what we would like to undertake
Until tomorrow for fear of change To health as a Skill Love DrBill