Psoriasis and Nutrition

Bigstock_Patient_With_Psoriasis_3027198 I came across some information on psoriasis and coconut oil on Twitter and thought I would look iinto it in more depth  Taken internally as well as applied directly to the psoriatic lesions, there are reports of significant improvement if not complete resolution of the lesions

Whenever I hear of "miracle reports" my bias is to apply the energy science principles to what is being reported to see if it makes sense

Nature provides cooling medicines for us in hot areas of the world such as the tropics  Since coconut is from the hot tropics, it can become a cold application to such as con this makes  This is similar to the experience we have with aloe vera gel

From an energy science view skin lesions are inflammatory dis-eases(increased Pitta) in the physiology due to the excess of the  hot quality

But in my browsing was something even more startling that I wanted to share becasue it completely attests to the effectiveness of nutrition in such inflammatory conditions

I ran across testimonials for the use of nutrition in the treatment of this difficult skin condition of which there is no good remedy from a matter science medical view point out that nutrition is an important step in healing and may be all that is needed

Now a matter field medical skeptic might attack such testimonials as "unscientiific" since there are not double blind controlled studies  But from an energy science view what is being reported is completely scientific

My point is that "It depends on one's world view", doesn't it?  Matter science or energy science, you pick

Until tomorrow                                                           To health as a Skill  Love DrBill



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