The Biologic Energy Time Clock
The energy patterns of Vata Pitta and Kapha are observed everywhere in Nature We observe Kapha dogs, Vata hummingbirds, Pitta lions These energy patterns are involved also in how we view time
Between 6am and 10am is a Kapha time heavy, cold, slow/dull time; ? heavy breakfast
Between 10am and 2pm is a Pitta time hot,sharp/penetrating time; best for day's big meal
Between 2pm and 6pm is a Vata time cold, light, mobile; good for activity
Between 6pm and 10pm is a Kapha time heavy,cold,slow/dull time; good for winding down
Between 10pm and 2am is a Pitta time hot, sharp/penetrating time; body detox time
Between 2am and 6am is a Vata time cold, light, mobile; emotional detox time
These vibrational frequencies that are bolded are most prominent in Nature's physiology but we mirror them ourselves physiologically as well
Do you notice that you are hungry around noontime and late at night? Do you eat breakfast at times when you are really not hungry? Do you feel sharpest in the afternoon when working on projects?
Tomorrow, understanding and coping with the morning blahs energetically
To health as a Skill Love DrBill