2011 We Want Back Our Responsibilty For Health

  Family health Nowadays it seems that we are all concerned about our health and what we can do to help ourselves to improve our health if we are having challenges

It's basically boils down to our instinctive need for survival,  doesn't it?


But from my vantage point as  a practicing physician and surgeon, I'm seeing people who want more than better health  Many want to be co-partners in the process  These people want to buy in to a participatory role

Men and women both ask when confronted with a medical problem,  “What can I do to participate in my healing?”

Health in a pill

Just witness the burgeoning health supplement industry  And every day I see a patient or more who are on forms of supplements to improve their health status

There's an issue here that suggests we should have always had that responsibility  That no one really ever took it away  But we didn't know how we could become responsible and neither do the pharmaceutical firms and sometimes physicians

We do know one thing  Health is contained in a pill  We have been taught that much

Hence the supplemental industry has come to represent health in a pill but it has allowed us a segue to become responsible


I believe that as we enter 2011 there will be again resolutions for improving our health in one way or another  Exercising, changing nutrition, meditation, supplements etc

There is however three fundamental principles that we should not forget 

            Foods heal

            Incompatable food combinations are not good

            Digestive fire is an important physiological aspect that should not be disregarded

These are worthy of resolve because they get to the heart of gaining responsibility for our health  Not just a pill but a way of life

Until tomorrow                                                  To health as a Skill  Love DrBill


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