Happy 2011
We only learn by contrast Can't know hot if we haven't experienced cold, can't know feeling good if we haven't experienced feeling bad
Nobody wants to feel bad in life That's what takes them to doctors To feel better right?
Feeling Nutritionally Poorly
And just as foods are us, there are some that don't make us feel our best
The challenge is find out which ones they are
By seeing the qualities in food as the same ones that comprise us there becomes a common meeting place, where the qualities of us merge with the qualities of the foods that we consume
If we have the hot quality in our physiology in large amount(Pitta) then eating lots of foods that carry the hot quality will lead us to excess or imbalance of the hot quality
Learning by Contrast
If excess shows up in our awareness(heartburn) then we have a choice, leave the hot alone by choosing different foods that are more balancing
So experiencing hot in feeling bad gives us a choice with the emphasis that this choice is not right or wrong, good or bad, it's not breaking the rules, it's not being a bad person, not about being judged or judging ourselves It's just a choice
Even though this sounds simplistic, in its simplicity is elegance for it will become the way we "convince" ourselves about change in lifestyle behavior nutritional patterns
A Nutritional Resolution
So how's this for a new year's resolution?
During the year of 2011 I resolve to pay attention to how I feel when I eat foods
If they make me feel bad, I then have a choice, continue to feel bad or make a different choice And it's your choice
Until tomorrow Happy New Year I love you all Dr Bill