If It Feels Good, It Must Be Right
There are many different phrases for this simple but elegant life wisdom
No pain, ultimate gain comes to mind and I imagine you can add your own favorites
And this "feel good" wisdom best describes what the energy sciences are all about
You see, it's in listening to the body that we find out whether what we have done through nutrition that gives us the feedback that it was or wasn't a good thing to take in
The nutritional formats of PV, PK, and VK are guidelines that are offered to us and then we get to explore
The we get to pay attention to our 'feel good" wisdom Did that food that was on the negative list make me feel poorly the next day or after I took it in for several days in a row
Since our energy fields report back to us through our sensations, the "feel good" wisdom that our body gives us can be a great guide toward making better choices
I think for me the converse of the "feel bad" wisdom is as equally important It's not a mistake, it's an exploration as to what works and what doesn't work
There is no good or bad, right or wrong choice, there's only choice
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill