The Breath and Healing


Does it sound surprising that the breath should be involved in healing a fracture or orthopedic injury?

Arguably one could make the assertion that the surrounding muscle and ligaments "tell" the bone how to mend and in what alignment  And this is probably so to a large degree

But what happens if the posture has not been so good in the past and now the tendency is to repeat the same posture in the future

The breath can be used consciously to bring a fresh alignment of the physically even it has been chronically fixed  This takes work but nonetheless it is a achievable

There is a tendency in all of us to lose our frame, some know more quickly than others  But the breath can help us return to that position in space where we are pr0perly aligned

And this goes particularly when we have been injured and mending a bone, or for that matter any musculoskeletal injury

Until tomorrow                                            To health as a Skill  Love DrBill


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