The Joy of a Fracture Breaks Me Up
Have you noticed that a problem causes you to change your way of thinking?
Example: I fractured my arm in a skiing accident and over the last two weeks I've been seeing things in a different way
That is, I've been noticing how my body reacts to the pain of the fracture
"Well, of course, the body would react to pain," we say
It's a natural response of the body to wince with the pain that we experience But what kind of response is it?
Pain brings about either a response of expansion or contraction, done emotionally, physically or mentally
What does this look like?
The posture or the body's position in space becomes straight or erect with the breath or it can assume a contracted posture(one of fear)
The interesting and unique observation I think is that we are the conscious choicemakers here
That is, if we choose expansion with the use of the breath we choose to go beyond the fear that holds us in the contracted state of fear brought about by the pain
What does this have to do with nutrition?
When we choose a different way of doing things it may cause us to contract emotionally
By choosing expansion and a change in posture we can go beyond or posture of fear
The choice of that realization of expansion is 80% of overcoming fear
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill