How Much To Eat
There is an energy science rule of thumb for volume of food for nutrition needed at any one meal: what you can hold in 2 hands is equal to two thirds of the stomach capacity
This leads to one being comfortable at a level 6 The scale is 1 being so hungry you would eat cardboard and 10 being so stuffed it hurts It also leaves one-third of the stomach empty so that churning of the food ingested can be mixed with stomach acidity and enzymes
The Measurement and Health
So that's volume What about calories?
Again from an energy science view it's not so much the calories as the types of foods according to one's mindbody makeup
There is such an incessant need these days to count calories which is a carryover of our matter science But when we measure everything, from weight to calories to cholesterol and PSA, we do a dangerous thing
We delude ourselves that if the measurement is within normal limits that we are healthy
From an energy science view, this just isn't so
The New Measure of Health
So how do we determine if we are healthy from an energy science view?
There are many parameters Here are a few to think about
How do you feel? OMG, that's ridiculous say matter scientists! But in reality if we wake up in the morning feeling crummy, not a good sign of health
How's the elimination? Bowel activity, urination should be consistently easy and regular
How's the appetite? Too strong and voracious, irregular, or lousy and forced to eat?
How active is the mind? Is there too much chatter? Do fears run the life? dHow's sleep and dreams?
Are you happy for no reason?
The energy science provides guidelines by which we can over time reach such a state of health It's worth the journey!
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill