How To Make Good Decisions

We all want to make good decisions in our lives but would it not be surprising to us to say that "It depends on our state of balance?"

Matter Science Decison Making

To make good decisions from a matter science view we must be robustly linear, that is, we need to gather all the facts and come to a rational decision  This is the proven logical way

But I would submit that many decisions if not all are based on our intuition  Yes, we do indeed gather the facts but in the end after putting it all together we create an intuitive sense about what to do next

This latter way of decision making is based not on a matter science way of thinking(deductive) but on an energy science level of thinking(inductive)  Energy science thinking goes beyond styles of thinking  It goes to the heart of the thinking process, that is, by feeling what the decision should be

Feeling a Good Decision

So we feel what is the right thing to do  That seems clear  But the next question is more important

If my sense of making decisions is flawed how can I make it better?

We make decisions in real time not in the past or in the future  Our energy field mindbody is only as good in decision making as in the present moment

We have spoken a good deal about balance in the past  Balance is the energy science's way of being in the state of health  If we are out of balance we are unhealthy

Balance Is the Key To Effective Decision Making

A state of poor health potentially makes poor decisions and a state of good health makes better decisons  More effective decisions, whether that decision is about paying off a loan, taking out the garbage, or asking someone to marry you

So our health is directly responsible to whether we make intuitively better decisions, decisions with clarity, decisions that portend to good results in the future

And how do we improve our health and therefore our decision making  It begins with nutrition  See how to get started at

Until tomorrow                                                          To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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