Spot Supplementation

The argument goes, "Our soils are depleted, hence our foods are depleted, and therefore we are depleted of the food riches that our ancestors had back when  Furthermore one can assess the nutritional lifestyle choices and make a case for supplements as well"

So nowadays we feel compelled to take supplements to take care of those apparent deficiencies  But it begs the question what are we missing?

We can monitor much of the molecular constituency of the mindbody physiology so levels of vitamins, minerals, metals can be determine their levels through blood levels, hair samples(for metals), and measuring outputs from stool and urine

So much of  this data available to us that it would make sense that we will use this information for ourselves in deciding what supplements to take

The days of the mutivitamin is limited and I predict that we will be much more specific about how we "supplement" ourselves particularly becasue of the expense

One can make the argument that there is an ongoing need for some supplements such as omega 3, 6, and 9, such that we should supplement routinely with flax seed oil or fish oil 

But trace elements and particularly biochemical "mainstays" readily made by the mindbody will not have to be supplemented

And from an energy science view certain supplements will be protective such as aloe  Even though the mindbody can make the constituents of aloe, in the end aloe is hard for the mindbody to make it so it makes sense that supplementation is helpful

Hence supplements will play a role for us but with molecular information from the matter science world we will be able to be more precise

Until tomorrow                                                       To health as a Skill Love DrBill


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