Cutting a Tree Down

Here's a question for ya  Which is easier, cutting a tree down at the trunk or one branch at a time?

Pretty obvious isn't it?  One branch at a time, right?  At least that's what we do in the matter science arena of healing these days

I was reminded of this the other day when I saw a man in his 80's debilitated by an organic anxiety symptom complex that had been going on for some time with obvious somatic symptoms

But the underlying complex of symptoms was related to his free floating anxiety which was causing all kinds of emotional and mental havoc  He was placed on several antianxiety meds but it wasn't taking care of the problems of sleeplessness, frequency, headache, and gut symptoms

So what was added which seems appropriate is a sleeping pill for the sleeplessness

What would the energy science do? It would begin dealing with the anxiety or the trunk of the tree not the branches eg sleeplessness, frequency, headache, and gut symptoms

This can be done in several different ways since the causes of the anxiety are multifactorial so the treatments are multifaceted

So it's important to know the origins of dis-ease whatever they may be  Once we know the origins of dis-ease in the physiology then we can go to work to cut the tree down, not one limb at a time

Until tomorrow                                                            To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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