The Chameleon: Our Biologic Energy Field
We take on the energy of the environment Does that seem strange or unusual? Well, perhaps only because I'm putting the context of energy in the experience But think about it If it's hot out there, it's hot in here Right?
My Friend's Experience
My gentle Kapha friend related his experience in moving to the Pacific Northwest(PNW) from the desert climate of California He reflected on how nasal congestion was never an issue when living in Cali and makes sense doesn't it? In the hot and dry desert his predominant Kapha energy pattern which was cold was nourished by the hot and dry of the desert
But when he moved to the cold and wet(liquid) climate of the PNW, here he expereinced nasal congestion and stuffiness and just plain old lethargy(static) It was just hard to get started Perhaps we have had similar experiences during the winter months?
This is why people "go South for the winter"? Or why at the end of the winter season we get "the common cold"?
Our Biologic Energy Field: The Chameleon
Our biologic energy field reflects our environmental energy field If it's cold out there, you can bet it's cold in here Even if we don't feel that way It it's <fill in one of the 20 qualities> out there, it's <quality> in here
We come to a startling observation That the energy field and ourselves are intimately connected As a matter of fact, the environment is merely an extension of our own biologic energy field Said another way, our extended energy field outside us influences our "inside" energy field all the time
Skiing and Riots
If you ski you may find that after the day the skin is dry, rough due the aggravation of the imbalancing of the Vata energy pattern of movement Skiing has the qualities of cold, light, mobile, subtle, rough, dry, and clear, all Vata primordial vibrational frequencies
Have you ever heard of a racial riot in midwinter? The hot quality fuels the mindbody and promotes anger and agitation An imbalanced expression of Pitta, the energy pattern of transformation in the biologic energy field
Energy Science Nutrition
OK then, what's the difference between a piece of broccoli and climate, energy wise?? I would submit no difference
That the qualities of the broccoli are not different than a day of skiing experiencing cold, dry, rough, and mobile
Foods have a direct impact on our biologic energy fields just as the seasons and racial riots
Doesn't it make sense to respect nutritionally and energetically what we put into our mindbodies?
Until tomorrow To Health as a Skill Love DrBill