Alzheimer’s and Prevention

The joys of extended life may lead to the dimness of failing mental skills(memory loss or retrieval problems, loss of creativity, attention span fading, and loss of learning ability) often described clinically as senile dementia

Alzheimer's Disease

Early dementia (earlier than age 70 although this age is arbitrary)is usually described as Alzheimer's disease but actually the label is applied to older people as well  Suprisingly the problem begins around age 30 and 40% will have it at age 80  But 2% can't escape the fact that they will be affected(take my chances as they say)

The key pathological finding is plaque like lesions in the cortex which are thought to affect neural communication

Multifactorial causes are identified such as neurovascular injury(stroke leading cause),  emotional trauma,  neurotoxins,  infection, and even overreacting which is interesting 

Since we all want our mental faculties in our senior years the issue of what to do about it now becomes a subject of interest

The Matter Science Approach

Prevention of disease is presently where we are with many disease labels in the matter science medical model  Usually the approach turns out to be early detection

So it is with the current matter science approach to Alzheimer's

The idea is that if we can genetically identify an at risk population we could then apply certain principles that would potentially interfere with the plaque formation in the brain tissue

The information becomes the carrot to change lifestyle behavior patterns  S0 for example seems to have a protective effect against the disease  If it doesn't you're simply demented and in good shape!

An Energy Science Medical Approach to Alzheimer's

From the above matter science medical model of Alzheimer's and from other models of disease it's clear that probably all diseases begin early 

The figure that's thrown around these days from these disease models is that it's in the 30's(4th decade of life)  That is the ground state of disease labels that are used presently begins earlier than we ever anticipated

What's this mean for people in their 50's?  We'd better get busy  But busy doing what?

Energy Science Suggestions

Here the energy science medical model has a lot to say about staying healthy and clearing stagnant energy flows in the mindbody physiology

            Of course eating according to our mindbody energy makeups is help in not only clearing but also preventing further areas of stagnant energy(other names used toxic load, sludge etc)

            Avoiding food incompatabilities

            Using spices to improve digestion

            Considering a monodiet intermittently such as kitchari for an extended period of time or one day out of a week using milk, preferred juice

            Consider a practice of meditation to reduce overreactivity

            Use of ghee for PV on a regular basis

Genetic Plasticity and the Energy Science

As we have discussed before genetic plasticity is a our friend as we move ahead with lifestyle behavior changes  That literally changing how we do life can help impact our genetic predisposition to disease

And this is what the matter science medical model is telling us  For those genetically prone to Alzheimer's changing lifestyle can have beneficial consequences

And the lifestyle changes that should be invoked come from the energy science medical model since the matter science model doesn't have much guidance

Until tomorrow                                        To health as a Skill   Love DrBill



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