Diabetes and Energy Science Nutrition
Mary just found out she has diabetes and needs insulin Bummed out she knows that she should go ahead because of her low energy and decreasing sight when her sugar levels get high
From an energy science view diabetes is an imbalance of all the energy patterns in the mindbody
Recent research shows that there is a molecular dysfunction with brain insulin leading to excess fatty acids which in energy lingo is excess hot quality
This excess hot quality leads to several different phenomena such as heat intolerance, need for icy cold drinks, strong appetite
This last feature is particularly a problem for strong Kapha makeups which would lead to overeating and obesity
For diabetics with such strong appetites
Use a pacifying nutritional format as seen at foodsheal.com
Use cooling herbs such as fennel seed, cumin, coriander, mint, tumeric that don't heat the appetite
Avoid poor food combining
Use aloe vera gel which can help with sugar regulation and cool the appetite by reducing the hot quality
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill